ON 4 APRIL 1942

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On 4 April 1942, USAAF P-40E-1 FY Kittyhawk #41-24817 (ET145) of the 8th Pursuit Squadron of the 49th Pursuit Group crash landed at Cessnock in New South Wales during a smokey haze. The pilot was a  Flying Officer Arthur George Wilson Gilbert (RAAF 280799). The aircraft was a total loss and was removed to the airfield at either Wagga or Canberra. The time of the crash was 0920/2/2.

The pilot who survived the crash was stated in the USAFIA Report as Lt. Gilbert. The USAFIA date/time of the crash was shown as 0920/2/2. IRC date.

Flying Officer Arthur Gilbert was one of six RAAF pilots attached to the 8th Pursuit Squadron at Canberra. The aircraft was being ferried to 1AD at Laverton Victoria on assignment to RAAF (USAFIA P-40E Disposition Records April 1942). Gordon Birkett advised that the possible allocation of A29 Serial was to be the missing "A29-73", perhaps.

The aircraft was condemned by 43rd Materiel Squadron at 5AD on 07 April 1942.

NOTE:- There is a file for Flying Officer Arthur George William Gilbert in the National Archives of Australia as follows:-


The above entry shows both his name and RAAF Serial No incorrectly, probably due to records being forwarded from the American 8th Pursuit Squadron of the 49th Pursuit Group.



Document prepared by 1st Lt. Elmore G. Brown, titled:-

"Headquarters, USA Air Forces in Australia
A-4. Aircraft Movements Status & Statistics Section
Location and Status of Damaged Aircraft in Australia"


"Historical Record, 49th Ftr Gp, Chap I, Sec II"


Every Day a Nightmare
American Pursuit Pilots if the Defense of Java, 1941-1942

by William H. Bartsch



I'd like to thank Yvonne Kinkaid, Col Wilkinson, Chris Jamesson and Gordon Birkett for their assistance with this page.


Can anyone help me with more information on this crash?


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This page first produced 30 April 2001

This page last updated 27 January 2020