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Four 3" anti-aircraft guns of Battery "C" of the 1st Battalion of the 208th Coastal Artillery (AA) Regiment were established in an area of the meatworks paddocks on the southern side of Oonoonba Road and in a locations on both sides of Wagner Street (was Fletcher Street) between O'Donnell Street and Leslie Street at Oonoonba during WW2. One of the guns was located where Moncrieff's back yard was in 1995 at 12 Jordan Street.


Battery "C" was camped near Tom Nicholls Creek at Oonoonba. Some local house were commandeered by the US Army. Some of the householders refused to leave their homes.


Private Richard St. Germaine,
Battery "C", 1st Battalion,
208th Coastal Artillery (AA) Regiment


Two soldiers from Battery "C", 1st Battalion,
208th Coastal Artillery (AA) Regiment.
Can anyone identify them?


After the war Samuel "Bluey" Stortenbeker obtained permission from the QME management at the meatworks to remove sand from the several sand-bagged anti-aircraft gun emplacements in the meatworks paddocks between Oonoonba and Idalia to raise the levels at the building site for his new Rex Theatre at Oonoonba.


Military Camps/Units at Oonoonba
(previously Fairfield) during WW2



"Fairfield and her Folk 1868 1995"
"Oonoonba State School, 1920 - 1995"
Editor Denyse Bonney


Can anyone help me with more information?


"Australia @ War" WWII Research Products

I need your help


©  Peter Dunn 2015


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"Australia @ War"
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This page first produced 1 July 2004

This page last updated 18 November 2023